- The cost is much lower compared with that of permanent buildings.
- Long-term service life.
- Made from high-strength materials resistant to all weather conditions and UV radiation.
- Can withstand high wind and snow loads.
- Easy dismantling, transportation and repeated installation.
- Possibility of using any type of foundation, including mobile foundations.
Implemented projects
Basketball field cover
- covered area - 867 m2
Indoor football building
- covered area - 800 m2
Indoor football pitch
- covered area - 1984 m2
Sports complex
- covered area - 1300 m2
Sports center
- covered area - 988 m2
Indoor swimming pool
- covered area - 660 m2
Tennis center
- covered area - 4500 m2
Cover for swimming pool
- covered area - 332 m2
Modern quickly erectable structures are excellent for indoor sports areas of almost any size.
So far, our specialists have already installed more than 300 portable quickly erectable buildings including:
• indoor football building - a pneumo-frame inflatable building (covered area - 800 m2);
• sports complex - an air-supported building (covered area - 7700 m2);
• indoor swimming pool – a pneumo-frame inflatable building (covered area - 660 m2);
• indoor tennis court – an air-supported building (covered area - 650 m2);
• indoor ice skating rink – an air-supported building (covered area - 2160 m2);
• indoor football building - a tension fabric structure (covered area - 1848 m2);
• and others, which you can view in Gallery.
Air-supported buildings (ASB) are energy efficient structures. Their shape is attained by internal over-pressure created by pressure equipment. The advantage of air-supported buildings is the ability to span large sports areas of up to 8000 m2.
Tension fabric buildings (TFB) are a cost and time-saving alternative to traditional construction.
Pneumo-frame inflatable buildings (PFIB) are an innovation in the field of inflatable structures. PFIBs combine the advantages of air-supported and tension fabric buildings. They are easily and quickly mounted and do not require creating over-pressure inside the building.
We will install any of the three types of buildings depending on the customer’s wishes.
So far, our specialists have already installed more than 300 portable quickly erectable buildings including:
• indoor football building - a pneumo-frame inflatable building (covered area - 800 m2);
• sports complex - an air-supported building (covered area - 7700 m2);
• indoor swimming pool – a pneumo-frame inflatable building (covered area - 660 m2);
• indoor tennis court – an air-supported building (covered area - 650 m2);
• indoor ice skating rink – an air-supported building (covered area - 2160 m2);
• indoor football building - a tension fabric structure (covered area - 1848 m2);
• and others, which you can view in Gallery.
Air-supported buildings (ASB) are energy efficient structures. Their shape is attained by internal over-pressure created by pressure equipment. The advantage of air-supported buildings is the ability to span large sports areas of up to 8000 m2.
Tension fabric buildings (TFB) are a cost and time-saving alternative to traditional construction.
Pneumo-frame inflatable buildings (PFIB) are an innovation in the field of inflatable structures. PFIBs combine the advantages of air-supported and tension fabric buildings. They are easily and quickly mounted and do not require creating over-pressure inside the building.
We will install any of the three types of buildings depending on the customer’s wishes.